Friday, November 13, 2009

Wordzzle 89 - Sugar-coated

This is my contribution to this week's Wordzzle. Wordzzle is a game in which each week word lists, used to create stories, are given on the blog Views from Raven's Nest. Participating users post their stories on their own blogs.

This is my entry number 33, for Wordzzle week 89.

Ten Word Challenge:

shame on you,

"Shame on you," said the officer to the man on the portable recliner who was eating sugar-coated gummy turtles and taking candid pictures of the near-drowning.

"Why?" said the man. "They should be worth some money to some news agencies. Don't you think a man ought to be able to make some money where he can?"

"Of course," said the officer. "I don't recognize you, and by the luggage sitting by you it appears that you are not local to here. I guess you're just traveling through, prospecting for stories, and it may be that wherever you were raised they didn't bring your brains, and your manners. to the levels expected around here. I was referring, of course, to your not offering to share your sugar-coated gummy turtles with me."

Mini Challenge:

paragon of virtue,

The paragon of virtue, covered with sprinkles of garbage and stringy plants, looking like a crazy cats-in-the-cradle had attacked him and died on him, climbed out of the swamp. His day, sadly enough, had just begun.

Mega challenge:

shame on you,

paragon of virtue,

The moss-and plant draped man, looking like a mad cats-in-the-cradle come to life, stood there, dripping pieces of garbage and swamp.

"Hey, watch it," the officer said. "You're getting sprinkles of that stuff on me."

"This is not the way a paragon of virtue should be treated," the man moaned.

"Well, you should have watched where you were going. Nobody with any brains would want to drive into that swamp."

"It was an accident, I was drowning," he wailed. "Does nobody care?"

"Let me take a few more candid shots," said the man in the recliner. "And try not to drip on my luggage."

"Shame on you, oh shame, shame!" cried the man. "I have suffered so much, and this is all I get. I was trying to avoid running over some baby turtles and lost control, and went into the swamp. And all I get is this, and no one cares, and I'm asked to pose for pictures when I'm sure I don't look my best, by someone prospecting for bad shots."

"Baby turtles? That reminds me. I think I might have dropped some of my sugar-coated gummy turtles back there. You didn't run over any, did you?"

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Blogger Raven said...

Wonderful! I didn't see that last line coming but it has me laughing out loud. Your mini was wordzzling perfection. Bravo!

7:13 PM, November 14, 2009  
Blogger Reston Friends! said...

Stephen, I kept having a vision in #2 of a Congressman beginning his day. Hmmm...

The other two were perfect frames for my bizarre mind twist reading number 2. Well done!

4:36 PM, November 15, 2009  
Blogger Argent said...

I really enjoyed your three linked stories this week, they brought a smile to my face at the end of a hard day here at the coal face. Even paragons of virtue don't have everything going their way it seems.

Great work!

10:14 AM, November 16, 2009  

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